Recent news
- Since 2021 Fall we (with Meng Chen, Zhi Jiang, Jingjun Han) are organizing a weekly seminar on explicit birational geometry.
- 12.5-12.6: we (with Guodu Chen, Yun Gao, Yong Hu) are organizing 2025 Workshop on Algebraic Geometry at SJTU.
- 1.28: We posted a new preprint "Optimal upper bound for degrees of canonical Fano threefolds of Picard number one" (with H. Liu, J. Liu), arXiv:2501.16632.
- 12.3: We posted a new preprint "Stability of syzygy bundles on varieties of Picard number one" (with P. Ren), arXiv:2412.00476.
- 11.15-11.17: I visited Shangdong U to attend a conference and to give a talk.
- 10.25-10.27: I visited ShanghaiTech to attend a conference.
- 10.6-10.8: We organized a workshop at Chongqing.
- 9.26-9.29: We organized a workshop at SCMS.
- 9.19-9.22: I visited USTC to attend a conference and to give a talk.
- 9.13: We posted a new preprint "Effective nonvanishing for weighted complete intersections of codimension two" (with P. Yu), arXiv:2409.07828. It is the first publication of my Ph.D. student Puyang Yu. It was accepted by Kyoto J. Math.
- 2024 Fall semester: I will teach Birational Geometry.
- 2024 Fall semester: I will teach Advanced Linear Algebra.
- 8.28: We posted a new preprint "An upper bound for polynomial volume growth of automorphisms of zero entropy" (with F. Hu), arXiv:2408.15804.
- 8.26-8.30: We organized a workshop at SCMS.
- 7.18-7.24: We had a summer school at SCMS.
- 7.14-7.17: I visited Shangdong U (Weihai) to attend the National AG conference.
- 7.2: We posted a new preprint "On moduli spaces of canonical threefolds with small genera and minimal volumes" (with M. Chen, Y. Hu), arXiv:2407.01276.
- 5.31-6.3: I visited SYSU to attend a workshop and to give a lecture.
- 5.27-5.31: We orgainzed a reading workshop at Fudan.
- 5.25: Our paper "On numerically trivial automorphisms of compact hyperkähler manifolds of dimension 4" was accepted by MRL.
- 5.22-5.24: I visited Tsinghua to attend a workshop.
- 5.13-5.16: I visited CNU to give a lecture series.
- 4.20-4.26: I visited CAS to attend a workshop.
- 4.12-4.13: I visited USTC Shanghai Institute for Advanced Studies to attend a workshop and gave a talk.
- 3.29: Our paper "On the bicanonical map of algebraic threefolds of general type" was accepted by Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.).
- 3.14-3.18: I visited Wuhan University to attend a workshop and gave a talk.
- 2024 Spring semester: I will teach Advanced Linear Algebra together with Yang Zhou.
- 2.18-2.24: I visited Xiamen University.
- 1.30: Our paper "An effective upper bound for anti-canonical volumes of singular Fano threefolds" was accepted by J. Inst. Math. Jussieu.
- 1.9-1.19: I planned to visit San Diego and Tokyo but cancelled due to some personal issue.
- 1.2-1.4: I attended (partially) ICCM at Shanghai and gave a talk.
- Since 2021 Fall we (with Guodu Chen, Jingjun Han, Wenfei Liu, Chuanhao Wei) are organizing a weekly online reading seminar on birational geometry.
- 12.22-12.26: I visited Dalian for a conference and gave a talk.
- 12.21: I visited Shenyang for a talk.
- 11.26-12.2: I visited Tokyo for a workshop (Oguiso 60).
- 11.22-11.25: I visited Beijing for a workshop at CNU and gave a talk.
- 11.15-11.19: I visited Quanzhou for a workshop and gave a talk.
- 11.14: Our paper "Birational boundedness of rationally connected log Calabi--Yau pairs with fixed index" was accepted by Algebr. Geom. Phys..
- 11.6-11.11: I visited Bonn for a workshop at HIM and gave a talk.
- 10.27: Our paper "Miyaoka type inequality for terminal threefolds with nef anti-canonical divisors" was accepted by Sci China Math.
- 10.23-10.29: I visited New York for a workshop at Simons Foundation and gave a talk.
- 9.4-9.6: I visited Hangzhou (IASM-Banff) for a workshop.
- 2023 Fall semester: I will teach Advanced Linear Algebra together with Jingjun Han.
- 8.27: We posted a new preprint "On numerically trivial automorphisms of compact hyperkähler manifolds of dimension 4" (with W. Liu), arXiv:2308.03394.
- 8.20-8.31: I visited NUS for a workshop and gave a talk.
- 8.19: Our paper "Algebraic reverse Khovanskii--Teissier inequality via Okounkov bodies" was accepted by Math Zeit.
- 8.11: I finished the translation of Kawamata's book and submitted to the publisher.
- 8.8-8.16: I visited Wuhan U for a summer school and a workshop.
- 7.31: Our paper "On the anti-canonical geometry of weak Q-fano threefolds, III" was accepted by Nagoya Math J.
- 7.10-7.21: We had a summer school (K-stability, Derived categories and P=W) at SCMS.
- 6.28-6.29: I visited Tsinghua to attend a reading seminar on Birkar's paper
- 6.1-6.6: I visited CQUT.
- 5.31: We posted a new preprint "On the bicanonical map of algebraic threefolds of general type" (with M. Chen, J. Yan), arXiv:2305.19960.
- 5.27-5.28: I attended a workshop at Tongji.
- 5.17-5.23: I visited Wenfei Liu at XMU.
- 5.3-5.12: I visited Fei Hu at NJU and attended a conference to give a talk.
- 4.26: I visited Kewei Zhang at BNU to give a seminar talk.
- 4.25-4.28: I visited Zhiyu Tian at PKU to give a seminar talk.
- 4.21-4.23: I am organizing a workshop at Fudan with Meng Chen.
- 4.13: We posted a new preprint "An effective upper bound for anti-canonical volumes of singular Fano threefolds" (with Y. Zou), arXiv:2304.06347.
- 4.7-4.9: I visited SUSTech to attend a workshop.
- 3.17: I got promoted as an associate professor (tenured).
- 3.2-3.5: I visited Westlake U and give a talk.
- 3.2: We posted a new preprint "Miyaoka type inequality for terminal threefolds with nef anti-canonical divisors" (with L. Liu), arXiv:2303.00268.
- 2023 Spring semester: I will teach Advanced Linear Algebra together with Jun Li and Yang Zhou and Tianyu Wang.
- 2023 Spring semester: I will teach Birational Geometry together with Jingjun Han.
- 2023 Spring semester: I will teach Higher Dimensional Algebraic Varieties together with Meng Chen.
- 2.2: Our paper "On numerical dimensions of Calabi--Yau varieties" (with L. Wang) was accepted by IMRN.
- 2.1 & 2.3: I gave a series online talk at Tshinghua.
- 1.11: I gave an online talk at Beijing Guangzhou Algebraic Geometry Symposium.
- 1.10: I gave an online talk at East Asia Core Doctoral Forum in Mathematics.
Past news
- 12.17-12.18: I attended Shanghai Algebra Geometry Conference 2022 at ECNU and gave a talk.
- 12.13: I visited ShanghaiTech University and gave a talk at Colloquium.
- 11.26: I gave an online talk at 2022 Suzhou AG workshop.
- 9.26-10.31: I gave a short course (online) at SJTU on Introduction to the minimal model program, on each Monday.
- 9.1: I had a new Ph.D. student (Ziqi Liu) from TJU.
- 2022 Fall semester: I served as a mentor of Independent Study.
- 2022 Fall semester: I had student seminar on WED morning (senior) and THU afternoon (junior).
- 2022 Fall semester: I taught Advanced Linear Algebra together with Jun Li and Yang Zhou.
- 8.9-8.19, we organized a graduate summer school at SCMS and I will give a series lecture on linear systems on K3 and HK.
- 8.2: We posted a new preprint "On numerical dimensions of Calabi--Yau varieties" (with L. Wang), arXiv:2208.00654.
- 7.18-7.22, we organized the 3rd National Algebraic Geometry Conference at Fudan University (organized with Meng Chen, Jingjun Han, Zhi Jiang, Jun Li, Zhiyuan Li).
- 7.8: I gave an online talk at AG seminar at Nottingham. (It was rescheduled from 6.30, because I miscalculate the time difference and did not show up in the seminar at the scheduled time)
- 7.6: I submitted the paper "Characterizing terminal Fano threefolds with the smallest anti-canonical volume, II" the special volume in honor of Professor Shokurov's seventieth birthday.
- 6.15: I gave an online talk at Conference on Geometry and Analysis 2022 at USTC.
- 6.12: I gave an online talk at China Southeastern Algebraic Geometry Symposium (II) at SYSU.
- 5.4: I gave an online talk at JAMI2022 at JHU.
- 4.25: Our paper "Shokurov's conjecture on conic bundles with canonical singularities" was accepted by Forum Math. Sigma.
- 4.22: Our paper "On minimal varieties growing from quasismooth weighted hypersurfaces" was accepted by J. Differential Geom.
- 4.11: I gave an online talk at AG seminar at SJTU.
- 4.11: We posted a new preprint "Birational boundedness of rationally connected log Calabi--Yau pairs with fixed index" (with J. Han), arXiv:2204.04946
- 3.29: Our paper "An effective upper bound for anti-canonical volumes of canonical Q-Fano threefolds" was accepted by IMRN.
- 3.17: Our young AG-NT group (leading by Zhi Jiang) got supported by School of Mathematical Sciences of Fudan University.
- 3.11: I got a second prize in a teaching competition for young teachers at Fudan University in 2021.
- 2022 Spring semester: I taught Advanced Linear Algebra together with Jun Li.
- 2022 Spring semester: I served as a mentor of Independent Study.
- 1.27: We posted a new preprint "On the anti-canonical geometry of weak Q-fano threefolds, III" (with Y. Zou), arXiv:2201.11814
- 1.1: Our AG group (leading by Meng Chen) got supported by NSFC for Innovative Research Groups.
- 11.27-11.28(POSTPONED): we (with Meng Chen) are organing "2021 Workshop on Explicit Birational Geometry" at Fudan University.
- 12.23: My paper "Positivity of Riemann-Roch polynomials and Todd classes of hyperkähler manifolds" was accepted by JAG.
- 12.17: I gave a talk (togethor with Z. Li) at AG seminar at AMSS.
- 12.7: I posted a new preprint "Algebraic reverse Khovanskii--Teissier inequality via Okounkov bodies" (with Z. Li), arXiv:2112.02847
- 11.28: I gave an online talk at AG workshop at Tongji University.
- 10.11-10.15: I attended online workshop "Interactions of new trends in Algebraic Geometry and singularities" supported by OIST and RIMS and gave a talk.
- 10.8: I gave an online talk at RIKEN.
- 9.9: I posted the paper "Characterizing terminal Fano threefolds with the smallest anti-canonical volume" on arXiv (contributed to Moscow-Shanghai-Pohang conference proceeding).
- 9.9: I gave an online talk at NCTS.
- 9.2: I gave an online talk at YMSC.
- 9.1: I had a new Ph.D. student (Puyang Yu) from USTC.
- 2021 Fall semester: I taught Advanced Linear Algebra together with Jun Li.
- 2021 Fall semester: I served as a mentor of Independent Study.
- 8.24: I gave an online talk at AMSS on introduction to generalized pairs.
- 8.16-8.24: we (with Jingjun Han) organized an reading workshop at Fudan, but due to recent COVID-19 situation, we decided to hold it online.
- 7.27: I gave an online talk for undergraduates on birational geometry (which was not so successful).
- 7.26: I gave an online talk at Osaka U.
- 7.19-7.23: I gave a series lecture on MMP at SCMS.
- 7.16: I contributed a paper "Characterizing Q-Fano threefolds with the smallest anti-canonical volume" to Moscow-Shanghai-Pohang conference proceeding.
- 7.4-7.17: I gave a series lecture on MMP at XMU.
- 7.2: I posted a new preprint "An effective upper bound for anti-canonical volumes of canonical Q-Fano threefolds" (with Y. Zou), arXiv:2107.01037
- 6.25: I gave an online talk at KIAS.
- 6.17-6.23: I visited CNU and AMSS, and gave a talk at AMSS.
- 5.19-5.21: I visited CQUT and gave a talk.
- 4.30: I posted a new preprint "Shokurov's conjecture on conic bundles with canonical singularities" (with J. Han, Y. Luo), arXiv:2104.15072
- 3.23: I gave an online talk at Princeton.
- 2021 Spring semester: I gave lectures for preparing Colledge Contest and Yau Contest for undergraduate students.
- 2021 Spring semester: I was in charge of Advanced Linear Algebra seminar for undergraduate students.
- 2021 Spring semester: I taught Advanced Linear Algebra together with Jun Li.
- 1.21: I gave an online talk at IMJ-PRG.
- 12.26-12.29: I visited USTC to attend ICCM annual meeting and gave a talk.
- 12.8-12.23: I visited AMSS to give a series lectures on boundedness of Fano varieties.
- 12.3: Our paper "Birational boundedness of rationally connected Calabi-Yau threefolds" was accepted by Advances in Math.
- 12.1: Our AG group (leading by Jun Li) got supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China.
- 11.27-11.28: I organized "Frontier Forum on Algebraic Geometry and Related Area" at Fudan with Meng Chen.
- 11.13-11.15: I visited SUSTEch to attend "Foliations and vector bundles".
- 9.12: Our paper "Boundedness of log pluricanonical representations of log Calabi-Yau pairs in dimension 2"; was accepted by Algebra Number Theory
- 2020 Fall semester: I taught Advanced Linear Algebra together with Jun Li.
- 8.28: I gave a talk in ICCM lecture of Geometry.
- 8.11: I posted a new preprint "Positivity of Riemann-Roch polynomials and Todd classes of hyperkähler manifolds", arXiv:2008.04685
- 7.20-7.31: We organized AG summer school for undergraduate, I taught Commutative Algebra.
- 5.19: We posted a new preprint "On minimal varieties growing from quasismooth weighted hypersurfaces" (with M. Chen and B. Li) arXiv:2005.09828.
- 5.15: I gave a talk at online Noon seminar of Fudan.
- 5.8: I gave a talk at online AG seminar of Nanjing University.
- 5.5: I gave a talk at ZAG online seminar.
- 2020 Spring semester: we organized Fudan-SCMS AG seminar online every Thursday (Fudan-SCMS AG seminar)
- 2020 Spring semester: I was in charge of Advanced Linear Algebra seminar for undergraduate students.
- 2020 Spring semester: I gave exercise courses for Advanced Linear Algebra taught by Jun Li.
- 2.27: We posted a new preprint "Boundedness of log pluricanonical representations of log Calabi-Yau pairs in dimension 2″ (with H. Liu) arXiv:2002.11928.
- (CANCELLED)3.15-3.29: I will visit JHU for JAMI2020.
- (CANCELLED)2.22-2.26: I will visit Haoyu Hu at NJU.
- (CANCELLED)2.10-2.14: I will visit NUS for a workshop.
- 1.5-1.11: I visited AIM for "K-stability and related topics".
- 12.19: My paper "A gap theorem for minimal log discrepancies of non-canonical singularities in dimension three" was accepted by JAG.
- 11.24-12.1: I visited Xiamen to give a lecture series and for a conference.
- 11.17-11.23: I visited IBS-CGP for "Birational Geometry, Kaehler-Einstein metrics and Degenerations" and gave a talk.
- 10.29: Our paper "Remarks on Kawamata's effective non-vanishing conjecture for manifolds with trivial first Chern classes" was accepted by Math. Z.
- 10.20: Our paper "On the anti-canonical geometry of weak Q-fano threefolds, II" was accepted by AIF.
- 10.17-10.20: I visited Suzhou for "Suzhou AG Young Forum" and gave a talk.
- 10.13: Our paper "The Noether inequality for algebraic threefolds" was accepted by Duke.
- 10.9-10.12: I visited KAIST for "Fudan-KAIST joint Workshop on Algebra and Geometry" and give a talk.
- 9.1-9.4: I visited BICMR for "“PKU-KUL Joint Algebraic Geometry Workshop".
- 2019 Fall semester: we organized a reading seminar on MMP in char p.
- 2019 Fall semester: I taught Higher Dimensional Algebraic Varieties for graduate students.
- 8.20-8.26: I visited AMSS.
- 8.4-8.9: I attended "Conference on algebraic and arithmetic geometry" at Sanya and give a talk.
- 7.29-8.2: I attended "Workshop on Algebraic Geometry" at Fudan and give a talk on 7.29.
- 7.24-8.4: Jingjun Han visited SCMS and give a seminar talk.
- 7.10-7.13: Shihoko Ishii visited SCMS and give a seminar talk.
- 7.1-7.5: I attended "2nd National AG Conference" at ECNU and gave a talk on 7.2.
- 6.10-6.15: I attended "Birational geometry, Kahler-Einstein metrics and degenerations" at ShanghaiTech University.
- 6.1: I moved to Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences as a Young Investigator, after my postdoc in IPMU and MSRI.
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